Learning how to use a new website, service, etc, can be daunting, especially for a luddite like myself with a tendency to want to be immune to changes in the analytical climate of the internet of everything; I rarely use my smartphone, and even then generally only because carrying a digital camera is heavier- also, cameras don’t make phone calls.
So when I heard of Substack some time ago (specifically because of oft-defamed journalist Glenn Greenwald) I was intrigued, but did what I normally do; delay the inevitable, realizing it was probably a good idea to establish myself on the same, but being lazy. “After all” I thought “how many sites am I really feasibly able to be and stay active on?” I already have a pair of blogs for my literary materials (literature comprises the bulk of my actual daily workload!) and most of the rest of my work revolves around making daily video entries- these days, more on new tech sites than on Youtube, which has begun to abuse its users profusely.
But with the site more and more frequently defamed by the legacy media (a term for newsprint and cable propaganda- some think I coined; I heard it from Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog and it was first used in the late 90s) I figured it was about time to at least make an official Substack page; after all, such defamation frequently predates the massive growth of various sites’ popularity; the fusion of old-time neoconservative and neoliberal government power, with big tech and older media firms (a phenomenon which has resulted in a chimera relatively close to the dictionary definition of fascism) has resulted in a climate where legal, fiscal, and technological power are all bundled together for the purpose of disempowering figures and opinions merely because they deviate from those held by the richest, most privileged classes of society. Those empowered classes are, it seems, worried that they will have to deal with upstart competitors which may disempower them. While they are just fulfilling their evolutionary role and seeking to appropriate maximum resources to themselves, all others in society have an evolutionary impetus to push back and attempt to even the playing field.
I do not know how frequently I will be posting pieces here on Substack, but, here I am!
As an Arizonan, I am particularly concerned with the AZ forensic audit and the turmoil of opposition surrounding it. Hope you do well on this site, too.