Years ago I wrote a booklet detailing my beliefs about memetics. At the time, memes as used by both grassroots and astroturfed faux-grassroots movements were being flung around by everyone and their mom, for socio-political purposes. I explained that the energy generated by the mass participation of the internet horde in potentially meaningful political bombast was not only important but likely to be of importance in the future. The effect, psychologically, is not much different from that generated by rock concerts or even religious experiences. This energy becomes like an egregore (as we would term it in occult parlance) and takes on its own sort of "life", as it were.
When the illegitimate asterisk administration of Joe Biden began, I encouraged people to relentlessly satirize and mock his feeble efforts, as the most effective method of freezing his steward regime in its tracks. I also called on people to continue the memetic fight, as opposed to being blackpilled and demoralized, as some commentators have clearly become. I took a lot of flak for that- most of which came from people who couldn't debate their way out of a paper bag.
Fast forward to the last few weeks. I am pleased to notice that meme culture has seemingly revived itself. I honestly feel the same sort of anti-establishment energy I felt in 2015 and 2016- this time, we're greeted with "Let's go Brandon!"- A reference to Joe Biden being repeatedly derided by enormous crowds in public events, and the lame attempt of the legacy media to cover for him. Specifically, chants of "fuck Joe Biden" at a NASCAR event were deliberately interpreted as chants of "Let's go Brandon" by an NBC reporter, fairly obviously nervous and probably more than a little bitter at the crowd for spurning her globalistic fuhrer.
A hip hop song of the same title has now become the #1 hit on itunes- keeping in mind that Apple (a globalistic company which uses slave labor in Bidens' beloved China) is deeply opposed to criticism of neoliberals and their policies and probably has already attempted and failed to keep this song from going totally viral.
I feel like good days are ahead, even if we have to slog through Bidens' shortage-and-inflation addled dark winter first. Keep up the fight and cede not one inch to these losers.
Cracks are appearing in the Borg ship. Attack every weakness.
i am getting worn out. i'm too old to keep getting up everyday, for years now, dreading each day and the weird creepy shit that happens everywhere.