Oh My Fucking God, Shut Up About Getting Vaccinated Already, You Fucking Fucks
A Response to Wendy Molyneux
A recent article posted on McSweeney's by Wendy Molyneux (of Bobs Burgers "fame") caught my attention a few days ago. Wendy (no relation of the oft-banned and incredibly more talented Stefan Molyneux) of course meant to write a humorous article- it was not intended to be self satirizing, but it manages to do so anyways. It tries to poke fun at the unvaccinated, while accidentally forming an easily exploited stereotype of the "I'm vaccinated, let me yell at you about it for the next thousand years" crowd and their increasingly vehement, decreasingly coherent demands that everyone else do as they do. They're sort of like church gossips in a megachurch congregation tut-tutting at friends and neighbors that did not pay their 19.99 for a genuine piece of the true cross to protect them from bone cancer. That the vaccine is structurally incapable of eradicated COVID has apparently escaped their notice- perhaps because they are too busy making "humor" to research the topic.
I suggest reading Wendy's article. Is it intelligent? No. It isn't strictly meant to be- it's supposed to be funny- but again, as I said, the butt of the joke is not meant to be the author of the article. It is meant to ridicule those of us who- for various reasons- either have not, or in some cases can not- get vaccinated. The self-satire stems partly from the gratuitous usage of the word "fuck" in her article- what year is it? "Fuck" hasn't been impressive since the early 2010s. If you want to be edgy and get headlines, use a racial epithet for the people you intend to satirize and stop being a pathetic pussy. Or maybe call them retards. Perhaps you could call your female readers "cunts" if they decide to make their own medical decisions. You can even wear blackface while doing so, as non-reactions to Ralph Northam and Justin Trudeau have shown us.
Oddly, Wendy recently retweeted someone who hilariously contra-identified the actual way to prevent morbidity from COVID, since a large proportion of those with significant systems are obese...
That's pretty much my response to her article.
Don't get the fucking vaccine, ya fucking fucks
The fucking vaccine has not been tested on fucking animals, we're the fucking test subjects you fucking fuckwad, So don't get fucking vaccinated
The vaccine also has fucking side effects ya fucking fuck, You can get fucking bells palsy, where one side of your fucking face droops down and you look like a fucking idiot. People have fucking died from the vaccine your fucking fuckwad, don't get the fucking vaccine
The fucking vaccine companies are not fucking liable for the vaccine you fucktarded fuckwad. That means if you fucking die from the fucking vaccine, you can't sue the fucking vaccine companies, ya fucknugget. Don't get the fucking vaccine
Covid isn't fucking deadly, ya fucktarded fuck, It fucking has a 99.98 percent fucking rate. Don't get fucking vaccinated
Stand on your fucking principles, the fucking government is running tons of fucking propaganda for the fucking vaccine, as well as creating a fucking vaccine passport which creates a fucking dystopia over the fucking vaccine, ya fucktard fuckboy fucker. Don't get the fucking vaccine and play right into their fucking hands
Don't get it, don't get the fucking vaccine, fuck you, fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck!
The madman, when confronted by the sane, will scream that the other is crazy, for not participating in their delusions.