While it is unfortunate, it does not surprise me in the least that the world is currently over-reacting massively to news of a new COVID variant, dubbed Omicron (conveniently skipping the "Xi" label for reasons I do not need to explain even to the most mentally controlled sheep.) After all, virtually the entire world legacy media complex has reported for the last few days that the new variant is "of concern", "more easily transmitted", "deadlier", etc… experts agree on this fact, yes?
Of course not. But reporting that a new variant exists on its own would barely be worth a brief mention on the C page of your local newspaper. New variants of COVID have been spawning since the pandemic first began in China, after it was purposefully or inadvertently released from the bioweapons lab there.
Here are the sad facts: The new variant will spread to all nations. It will "probably" underwhelm some or all vaccines, to some unknown extent. It will trigger knee-jerk demands by a frightened but shrinking majority of the population for more medical tyranny. Finally, this fear will be exploited by governments, and they will use this latitude to pass various laws, restrictions, and budget pork, which would not be accepted by the population otherwise. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Travel bans, which have been instituted to try and stop this new (and, according to the legacy medicine powers that be, much more transmissible) variant of coronavirus will fail, just as similar attempts failed last year with a variant far less transmissible than several now faced, even before this new Omicron mumbo-jumbo. China designed the virus to mutate rapidly and spread easily, probably in an attempt to destroy the older part of their aging population, while fairly obviously covering up their own death totals. The legacy media so worried about this virus never seems to mention the political intrigue which led to its development, possibly from related coronaviruses which apparently came from outside of China, and thus requiring importation, negating the theory that it came from nature. That organizations directly connected to Fauci (and thus the Obama administration) has been all but explicitly covered up by a legacy media terrified of Trump returning to office on the "I told you so" platform.
Mask mandates, vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, social distancing, gathering restrictions, and every other measure thrown at this partly bio-engineered weaponized virus have failed because they were figured into its engineering to begin with. A literal Chinese boomer remover is not very effective if it is stopped quickly, since the death rate per year of the groups you wish to purge requires several years of constant infection to be economical.
Does this variant turn you into a Nomad Soul?? Hah, congratulations if you get that reference.
In all seriousness, though, it's so blatantly obvious that they skipped the Xi variant because they didn't want to associate it with their Dear Leader, Xi Jinping, the fucking fat chink. Fuck him and every other ChinCom to hell and farther.
I believe that events like this are a call to gather for those who would survive the coming ending of the age. Based on large scale, & historical, patterns there seems to be a concerted attempt to re-create the "flood" event and reduce humanity's populations, leaving the remaining as "innocent" children in a man made garden, with types like Gates as benevolent God-Kings.