Time For Some Humor: Laughing at the Maskurbators
Humor at the Expense of Those Unwilling to Get Rid of the Security Blanket
Over the last year the public has been deliberately terrorized by their governments, in part to control them, and in part because nearly-as-terrified governments realized that the coronavirus which escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, was unstoppable. To prevent panic, they fetishized cloth masks that do relatively little to prevent transmission. I strongly believe that this was nine parts public policy to one part actual medicine. But it reminded me vaguely of the usage of wads of herbs and leather masks in the black death period, which I previously analyzed, because they may have had at least a limited transmission impact on yersinia pestis, assuming that is the bacterium involved- pneumonic or otherwise.
Below I compiled a few grabs of hilariously superstitious commentary underneath one of Kamala Harris' twitter posts- keep in mind that these people consider themselves smart, enlightened, and considerably beyond the mental abilities of the dark ages, despite echoing the same basic faux-pragmatic medical conceptualizations.
I only include this brief and relatively humorous write-up because it is intriguing to see people who have worshiped at the almost literal altar of “science” suddenly abandon those same edifices due to their own panic and fear. The supposedly intelligent and “science accepting” are anything but, when the science tells them their worldview is no longer valid. This is a perpetual and prominent feature of society.
Here we see a science-denier.
Paranoia that could easily date to the 16th century, is featured here from these two individuals. Katie amusingly ignored recent news that herd immunity is presumably not even attainable and coronavirus is essentially endemic. But science is only to be believed when it comports to ones’ paranoia and desire for attention and gratification.
Joseph here and his son are incapable of transmitting COVID to others. Their particular psychological reason for continuing to wear masks that are not necessary (and mostly weren’t even before vaccination!) is due either to morbid, lamestream media-induced fear, or else grandstanding for social purposes and “clout.”
Aryl here does not understand how infection works and believes that a few ill-fated virus particles on his body are somehow hampered by an internal immune response. But any attempt to convince him of this will clearly be fruitless since he doesn’t even trust the CDC when it tells him to get rid of his security blanket- which is exactly what cloth masks are.
These people are retards. If they will not listen to common sense, reason and science, they should be mocked and laughed at until they shut their pie holes.
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