Please do not Lionize Joe Manchin. As a native West Virginian I can tell you, you will get your feelings hurt. Make no mistake, Joe manchin is out for one person, Joe Manchin. He always has been and he always will. The reason he seems to be walking the "Centrist" line is due to WV being a deep red state. A state that has gone solid red in almost every election since 2008.

Joe Manchin knows where his bread is buttered. He knows that in a state like West Virginia that if he allows the overriding of the filibuster, that if he allows court-packing, or gun control he will be out on his ass faster that greased lighting.

Understand what we in West Virginia already understand about this man. He is a snake. He will do anything and everything he has to to get reelected. If that means he has to sell out our state, then he will do it. At present I'm sure he's just waiting for a better offer.

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Why does he keep getting re-elected in a deep-red state?

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You got to remember that up until the end of Obama's first term, West Virginia had been a Blue-Dog Democrat controlled state for almost 80 years. Now we didn't leave the Democrats, the Democrats left us. West Virginia has always been a fairly right-of-center state.

Unfortunately, most West Virginians vote on name recognition alone, especially in rural counties. Furthermore, the few major hubs that we have (Morgantown, Huntington, Charleston, the panhandles) usually lean left. Why do you think that a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan could have been a senator for nearly a century?

I mean we only recently elected a Republican senator in Shelley Moore Capito. We are struggling to come out from under the Democrat yolk.

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Most normies vote based off name recognition alone, that's why it's usually hard to get rid of bad existing politicians and replace them with new politicians, cause the bad politicians have name recognition and the new ones don't.

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Valid points.

Top form, sir.

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As an Ohio native, I've heard this sort of thing from friends and family in West Virginia. WV doesn't need gun control, a lot of people are broke as it is & have to hunt or gather what they can muster to survive the winter. A lot of people in Ohio are in a similar position.

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It’s unusual to partake of Tarl’s analysis without the interspersed profanity.

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Manchin is a power craving, back stabbing, cess pool born political hack.

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Tarl does make a valid point, but it seems WVs are seeing with more background than someone that doesn't live there.

They are in agreement he's scum .

But he is holding "the line" per way.

Wvs know better than me .

Hail from st. Pete Florida.

Go Ron D.!

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Short sweet and to the point.

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I lived in WV during the years that Manchin was Governor. I also lived in Washington State under Democratic Governorship. Trust me Joe was better. A questions was asked why does Joe keep getting elected in a deep red state for the past 15 years? Got to keep in mind the history of WV when answering that question. It has been a highly Democratic state for decades going back to the 1800's. Families in WV tend to vote the way the grand pappy did because grand pappy was a Democrat. The coal and fraking issue raised during the Obama Admin was the turning point for WV. As I see it, WV voters have favored Manchin with a job because he saved what is left of coal and gas. Had he failed in the early 10's, he would never have made Senator. To his credit, he is one of the few Dem that still have some inkling that they are there to represent their constituents. I love West Virginia. Wonderful people and as beautiful a state you'll find in America and the history that is a stones throw in any direction is the reason that one day I hope to return.

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If the economy really starts to faulted you will see a lot more maverick Democrats. They were quite common in the late 70s. Inflation really tears apart a country, much more than unemployment.

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If the road to hell is paved with good intentions maybe we can keep our freedoms due to a highly selfish act. That is if he is really just opposing the democratic crap because he is afraid of his constituents.

Also isn't it about time these disgusting sleaze bag politicians fear their constituents? They should be scared, always, that they will loose their jobs.

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No he can't. Even though he votes against the democrats in the senate and is basically the tie braking vote democrats are still destroying themselves

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Secretly Tracking Obsolete People S.T.O.P. Beware of any devices secretly diluting your life to a point in time where mankind is plunged into a sea filled with tranquility and utter darkness.

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