Whoever controls words and how they are used have a lot of influence over the minds of people in this age of orwellian propaganda.

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The Left is attempting to control thought by controlling speech.

Never let an enemy pick the terrain.

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30 years ago the correct term for kids with mental development problems was 'mentally retarded'. Then that became politically incorrect and was replaced by 'mentally disabled.' Then that got replaced by 'mentally handicapped', and now 'differently abled'. The root issue is the same, just the words around it switched around for political clout. Same with 'colored people', who were 'blacks' then 'African Americans', then finally 'people of color', which is just the same as before only the words are in different order. It's all just a power play to get people to comply.

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Mostly peaceful...

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Slavery is not particularly important to the CRT argument. CRT analyzes every social dynamic, trend, etc., by race, and posits that if "people of color" are disadvantaged by it, then the cause is racism, and the solution is reverse discrimination.

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Yes, speaking of this area of linguistics, I am building a glossary/encyclopedia of culture war terms. https://justintrouble.substack.com/p/culture-war-glossary

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i am German/American. my great uncle died in WW1 from German machine gun fire. fuck all these sub-human shit bag fuckers.


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🧠 What's on your mind? And, 🧠 What's on your mind? The central scrutinizer will tell Ya, so shut up and obey... 🤪 yes Master 🤯

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Way back when Antifa first started, I seem to remember that it stood for Anti-First Amendment.

Being from the UK, how did this transform into Anti-Fascism?

Either way, both terms seem to describe highly fascistic gangs

Is this what you mean as "lies by structure"?

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its always been used in the news Media as long as I can remember, the subtitle "Us or Them"

leading you to of course be of the opinion of "Us"

and then framing who or what the majority thinks or says, always leading you to want to be with the majority, always always there is the feeling given, that if you agree with "Us" your a "Superior more intelligent human being" and the unsaid but understood fact, that you need to "FEAR" being found out if you think or act differently.

more and more it has become blatant and "in your Face"


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Free speech absolutism is the only way to fight against this propaganda. When you're limited in what you can say against a group then you begin to lose because they don't really have limits.

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It's very important to debunk propaganda from the other side

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"He who controls the spice controls the universe." ― Frank Herbert,

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I encourage everyone to read Larry Koger’s book on black slaveholders.

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Taleb calls this anachronistic bigoteering: anachronistic meaning "out of its time"; bigoteering being the word Tim Ferriss coined meaning taking offence on behalf of others who may not even feel offended.

Neo-racist is the term I like because it's similar to neo-Marxist as used by JBP, and therefore it's more easily comprehendable to normies.

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