Well written. Need to expose the subversive tactics by the globalist... Thanks!

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Very good. I disagree with one item... legacy media using fear etc for far more nefarious reasons... to aid in formation in totalitarian state (whether or not all of them know it or not)

Mother of God help us

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Yes, a lot of uneducated useful idiots running around. Compare the background of our founding fathers like Jefferson and Adams. They were out of the house working and studying by the age of sixteen. Well versed in the arts, philosophical thinking, and history. Renaissance men that could see the patterns. The new Soros DAs and money grubbing politicians are one dimensional. Well versed in graft and corruption, they have no clue as to the effects of their actions.

They have no idea that they are the first ones that will be lined up against the wall and shot. Once the brown-shirts served their purpose Hitler took them out.

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They are Idiots. When NWO uses them, they will kill them.

Too stupid to know that nobody likes a traitor, esp a freaken idiot. Deblasio, Andrews, macron...hard to look at these cowards with

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true, never got it when people say the media does things for clickbate to make more money, if the media wanted to make more money through people clicking on their site, they'd be pro Trump since most people who pay attention to politics and aren't normies are on the right, also people on the right are a lot more likely to vote with their dollar when it comes to content creaters and other stuff. But obviously the media's not right wing, it's left wing and woke and thus is losing money and viewers every year. It only makes sense when you realize the media doesn't care about the money, they only care about promoting their agenda(which leads to totalitarianism) and shoving it down your throat

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Just curious WHY is anyone signing into YouTube Twitter Facebook Amazon they hate you? Sign out. that’s the biggest impact you can have on their bottom line!

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Exactly, youtube is already a dead site ever since they removed the dislike button, don't know why people still use it.

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They hate us!!!

I hope they are destroyed.

God bless

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One admission : I deserved my lifetime ban...

Just one post, pic of guy being burnt at stake, and I said, a true Pope will condemn false pope since 1958...


That to a "Father " James Martin mini me.

Fun times ,!!!!

.05 of a percent LOVED ME.

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This is why I only watch your videos on Bitchute or one of the other non-YT apps. Not worth given YT the time unless it's just an entertainment video.

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Same, I watch his videos every morning on bitchute. But for me, YouTube is an absolute last resort for ANY content.

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You don’t have to sign into YouTube to watch their content only to comment and post…sign out that’s the best way to protest these soul sucking companies!

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Youtube is for brain dead.

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Wow the youtube fact check system even suffers from Mass formation psychosis!

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Nice of YouTube to inadvertently mark the video directly on-target and therefore a must-watch by censoring it.

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Would be nice to have a list of banned youtube videos with a link to Rumble version... A must watch list.

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Agreed. And 9 months from now legacy media &youtube will catch up to your analysis

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Spicy video though. Lots of F bombs highlighting points. I'm not surprised they took it down. Using logic against the illogical is violence as well all know.

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I only go on YouTube anymore for music videos. I wish others would do the same and put them in their place.

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Imagine that... YouTube being authoritarian jackbooted thugs... Go figure.

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I love that they are proving the point of Dr. Mattias Desmet who has brought the subject of Mass Formation Psychosis to the forefront. Just by them trying to deny us all, proves they are suffering from this. Now, how do we all turn these people around. Well done Tarl!

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If you find a cure let me know?…I have some polluted Sheeple I need to deal with🙏

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Yesterday Scott Adams had fun about a Harvard psychology professor who said that people decided to mask, distancing and take bioweapon shots because they looked at the fact and did some well informed reasoning 😂🤣😁😂🤣😅 I can forgive some autist Dilbert living in the woods to believe that, but half if the field of psychology is about people being irrational and not caring about fact - The professor "knows" this, but he is clearly in the mass formation and will cut off his own dick live on the children's channel before thinking "can I have been lied to?". Learn about vulnerable narcissism and how to fight it/them! I have some tips, but it is work in progress 😊

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Sorry I missed it. This all should be obvious to those who's critical though is intact and are not overly impaired with political or related social bias.

I guess I need to get on non censored platforms.

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Yeppers, I linked that post or a similar one of yours on FB and got spanked with a threatening warning that such misinformation could get me a ban. Not my first warning and I'm sure it won't be my last.

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Remember the movie V for Vendetta?

You’re living it, now.

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Enjoying the emails. I listen to you on YouTube but I also love getting your views via emails.

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good video, and what ever its called, i say its all FUBAR. fuck mass scyphcosis, or however you spell it. FUBAR, fucked up beyond all recognition.....

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