Trump! You Glorious Bastard!

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Too bad my still suspended Twitter account lasted ten times longer than my Truth Social account, Elon Musk changed very little over a Twitter... neo-con = neo .com... Why else would they still be on Twitter?

Some of Trump's closest allies are his worst enemies, if he doesn't start making better cabinet choices and dump the neo-con advisers, he is going to lose, because that is why they are there; to make him lose... He is surrounded by enemies and agent provocateurs.

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It's about damn time. Now to hope that he can have a repeat of 2016-20, since even marginal reform by this point would be a godsend.

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My still suspended Twitter account lasted ten times longer than my Truth Social account, Elon Musk changed very little over a Twitter... neo-con = neo .com... Why else would they still be on Twitter?

Some of Trump's closest allies are his worst enemies, if he doesn't start making better cabinet choices and dump the neo-con advisers, he is going to lose, because that is why they are there; to make him lose... He is surrounded by enemies and agent provocateurs.

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And just like that, every major tech firm is Trump’s enemy…

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Always have been

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You're so full of shit... My still suspended Twitter account lasted ten times longer than my Truth Social account, Elon Musk changed very little over a Twitter... neo-con = neo .com... Why else would they still be on Twitter?

Some of Trump's closest 'allies' are his worst enemies, if he doesn't start making better cabinet choices and dump the neo-con advisers and sycophant cheerleaders, he is going to lose, he is surrounded by enemies and agent provocateurs.

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You have consistently advocated for this. Congratulations. Freedom is winning.

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I wish Trump would add to his platform a plank about returning to a gold standard or at least gold convertibility. The inflation of the 70s, deflation of the late 90s that caused the SE Asia crash, and unending debt and deficits since 1971 are all the result of bureaucrats being able to determine how much liquidity they need in order to advance their agendas.

Another good plank would be a pledge to confiscate from Federal agencies all the ammunition that was stockpiled for them by Obama and then distribute all the ammunition to NRA chapters nationwide for free, since the ammo has already been paid for by NRA members. The NRA chapters could then either give the ammo to its members or keep it for gun training / safety courses and live range ammo range practice.

As for the maggot Federal agents, it's not much fun when the rabbit's got the gun. Well trained, well regulated expert marksmen rabbits.....

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Sick of it all I am.

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Seriously that NFT thing looked like a bad SNL script.

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I hope Trump wakes up to this Green bullshit. America needs to embrace fossil fuel. The most profitable form of energy. He got elected by calling Rosie a fat pig! Time for more truth bombs!

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his NFT announcement has been used to overshadow his campaign platform

even those friendly (Ha Ha LOL) to him are mostly silent

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Styx how about you do one utube exclusive were you throttle your words and say what you will on Rumble, Bitchute ? I go right to bitchute to see your post every day. Or just do your live stream on ScrewTube. Clank on

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I thought the money going towards the NFTs weren't even for campaign fundraising? Could be wrong.

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