He never should have been elected in the first place. Ignoring the election shenanigans the Democrats must have known even before the election that he was bordering on senility when he wss nominated.

I smell a huge rat hiding behind all of this.

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It's a fine list, but what's missing is that this Administration is facilitating the deliberate take-down of the representative Republic. Everything on that list is part of that larger agenda which most reasonable, decent people simply cannot imagine, let alone accept. It's the Big Lie principle in action. (Worth reading the whole section...)

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Lets face it. Not a successful first


The worst thing he’s done, in my opinion, is called for vaccine mandates. I’m an RN, and this spectre of forced vaccination hangs over the head of every nurse I know.

We’re all for vaccines that actually work as vaccines and prevent severe diseases. Have to say, most nurses I talk to bring up blood clots, reproductive concerns, and potential heart problems when discussing the COVID vaccines currently available! They’re leaving the nursing profession rather than take the jab.

Wake up America! Forced vaccination is NOT the way to go. #FJB #FKH #FNP

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You forgot the biggest missing piece of Biden’s administration:

His mind.

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Totally preventable cluster fuck. All in "SPITE" of US citizens.

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Hell of a time to be alive...

I put it to my fellows that much of the vulnerability to such wanton authoritarianism stems from eschewing the spirit.

We are spoiled in the luxury of abundance such that even in present shortages, we have less scarcity in the last three decades than at any other time in human history. So our bodies are provided for, in modernity.

Our minds benefit from a powerful collective of information online, and academia offers learn now, pay later schemas for pursuits of intellectualism. Perhaps priorities are off, and data veracity is iffy among these-- or they definitely are, when we speak honestly.

But the missing element in our society is spiritual health. We have in our fear of death and our aversion to discomfort decided to stop growing a relationship with bigger questions. We have consumerism, occultic death worship (climate alarmism, critical theory, etc), worship of self in the narcissistic social medias, etc. But we have no access to a bigger perspective, because most have gathered under the banner of "killing God". Nietzsche warned of the consequences for such voids going unfilled. If anyone is in true danger of a lynching (figurative or literal) these days, it would be the Overman.

Without that class of folk who forfeit security and comfort with a sole exchanged benefit that is solely for future generations, decline is the only possible occurrence for all.

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My father always said that the two-term limit on President almost assures that no one can do significant damage to the country, however, his failures on so many levels at home, coupled with the fact that our standing on the world stage is greatly diminished has me seriously worried. LET'S GO BRANDON...

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Strange, the "Belt of Orion" hangs in the sky, all year, over my house. i never thought it was the "three stars". interesting......

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Betraying his faith and country so badly he has not been Catholic or American in decades. Quite a filthy human being.

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Pretty good list, you got all the major stuff down regarding Bidens failures

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To be fair, the current inflation is Trump’s however it looks to be getting worse and Biden isn’t doing shit about it but making it worse

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Just GO *Brandon!

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