In 2016 I hesitated to vote for Donald J Trump because I viewed him as just another mega rich ultra corrupt one percenter.

I knew I didn't want Hillary Rodham Clinton in there because I knew she was even worse.

Not knowing much about the man behind the television personality, however, I started reading up on him as my political awakening put it's first crack in the proverbial eggshell.

I started with his Wikipedia where I learned he was a notorious political flip flopper swapping from Democrat (DemonRat as I call them which may actually be offensive to Demons at this point associating the Democrat party with them..) to Republican. I also learned he was an avid and loyal supporter of Ross Perot and the Reform Party. Upon digging into that rabbit hole I realized quickly that Trump was a kindred spirit in a way.. I too agreed with Ross Perot and the ambitions of the Reform Party.

I did not vote in 2016.. but after watching Donald fulfill the vast majority of his campaign promises (something I had not seen a President do up until that point in my 31 solar orbits on this planet) I did vote for him in 2020 with hopes he would continue his Ross Perot-esc reform of our corrupted system.

It has become apparent that cleaning up the corruption (as was already in evidence prior to the Trump presidency but was not quite so blatantly in our faces) is not only too large a task to expect a single man to challenge.. but also a Global plague and will require a much larger much more persistent much more organized effort to correct.

Prayers out to whatever divine otherworldly entities you wish.. that the awakening of the masses continues and that such an organized global effort might actually take proper form before the corrupt global pedo cabal reaches the final stage of their plans.

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The beginning was the end of everything NOW.

Sorry, I'm having some kind of cosmic connection with DEVO and current events at the moment. I really resonate with your comment. It's got to come down to We the People to root out the global plague once and for all.

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Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Trump) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Imran Khan) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents-5e8

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So many of us didn't vote for him in 2016 but did in 2020, yet he lost 2020. Doesn't make sense.

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In a lot of cases, for every vote he gained in 2020 (like me), he lost one from 2016. I can only speak for my home state of Wisconsin, but the net difference here between the 2016 win and the 2020 loss was roughly 45k votes. He lost a lot of votes in the suburban counties surrounding Milwaukee which had always been the stronghold of GOP statewide races.

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Uniparty swamp

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Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Trump) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Imran Khan) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents-5e8

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

Well said Tarl, and such an accurate take on this topic. Trump is innocent of any criminal actions in my view, but on the other hand Hillary (the hag from Hell) Obama, and Biden are actual criminals and yet are still free and not being harassed. The US Justice Dept and intelligence agencies are ultra corrupt!

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Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Trump) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Imran Khan) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents-5e8

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Fantastic article, as usual. I’m not a huge Trump fan, but the way they’ve treated him has encouraged me to support him.

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Please vote for Trump.

I plan to do so, even if he's in Federal Prison, he's got my vote.

We the People are angry - let's unite and take back control of what was a Republic.

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Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Trump) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Imran Khan) https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-xviii-arrest-of-opponents-5e8

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You don't even have to assume he's less corrupt than they. They've been harassing him legally since before 2016 and weak sauce is all they've ever managed.

In fact, he's been proven remarkably clean by all this.

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I'll be voting for DJT for a third time. Living behind enemy lines (Vermont) has taught me that, the salt is tastiest at it's source:D

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I live in Southern California. I feel your pain.

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Other politicians say Trump is a threat to “our democracy”. They don’t say it’s yours- it’s theirs.

I’m willing to bet, if Trump is re-elected, the Fed will crash the economy completely.

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Isn't that happening anyway?

(crashing economy)

What have we got to lose that's more important than freedom from a nightmarish, corrupt, and vicious government?

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It's a question of which will come first World War 3 or Civil War II Electric Boogaloo.

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A new story for you, Tarl, from Andy Ngo: "Antifa" is now "Trantifa." https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/upost/4299704/title

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Right on Tarl.

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Nailed it!

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There is literally bad news concerning The Donald almost on a weekly basis, so it helps to zoom out and look at this from a strategic perspective, as if you were sitting at a giant wargaming table, for this is certainly a war (as everything in life truly is), and you have to see the big picture to understand what is going on.

The Dems have identified and singled out The Donald as their candidate to take on the venerable Joe Biden...or Biden's AI incarnation, as I'm not ever certain a real body is needed anymore for a candidate, at least amongst the Dems. We have already seen clearly that candidates without any ability to think or reason are clearly favorites amongst the Dems, an AI simulation might even fair far better.

The constant stupid legal attacks against the Donald are NOT designed to put him behind bars, rather, they are designed solely to keep the Repub base in a constant state of rabid lather, which they are achieving with stellar success. The more the Dems turn The Donald into a lawfare martyr, the more the Repubs pledge their lives to his Lost Cause.

The endless parade of Repub candidates, who NO ONE WANTS and NO ONE WILL EVER VOTE FOR is part of the strategy. No one in his right mind, and I mean NO ONE, would want to be a candidate running against The Donald in the upcoming primaries. Not even DeSantis. So why is there an announcement of some loser running for the Repub nomination every other week? Because it's all part of the strategy to flood the zone on multiple levels. Of course no one, and I mean NO ONE is going to beat The Donald, but The Donald still has to take all these challengers into his political calculus. And has we have seen, he will be attacking every single one of them. Think of it as making your enemy fight battles on as many fronts as possible, all simultaneously. The idea here is to distract and cause attrition, as he MUST spend resources on each and every one of these attacks, no matter how stupid they are. Given how many resources The Donald has, they have to attack him from multiple fronts to force him to spend those resources.

The end game is this: the election is already over, and Joe Biden (or his AI simulation) have already won, no one in the Dem power structure wants it any other way. The surprise candidacy of RFK Jr. will be sabotaged one way or another, just like they did with his father and uncle. And just as it was with Bernie, he will NOT be allowed to win anything.

So, if Biden has already won, why bother with all this nonsense focused on Trump? Simple: humiliation. These people are demonically evil. They are Satanic. They don't simply want Joe to win, they want a brain dead buffoon to beat the crap out of Trump, just as they arranged in 2020, except this time, they want to do it even harder. It's payback for The Donald even daring to win in 2016. And it's going to be a very strong message to the MAGA crowd: that they and their Messiah are powerless to resist the will of Dem machine.

There is no way any Repub is going to beat Biden, and there is probably no way any Repub will ever win a presidential election ever again, no matter what. How do I know this? I've lived amongst these people my entire life, and watched how they operate. When I tell you they are demonically evil, I'm not exaggerating or being overly dramatic. Once they grab power, they will not let go. And if you should even THINK about challenging them, they will bury you, either literally or figuratively. Just ask HiIllary Clinton.

If it makes you "feel better" to think that Trump can win in 2024, you had better go grab a big bottle of red pills, and swallow them all, because it will never happen. They will never, ever allow him to win ever again. You can take that to the bank.

So, where does that leave the MAGA crowd? Humiliated and lost. Trump is an old man now, and not up to leading a rebellion. There is no recourse.

However, the demons are known to overplay their hand, and they just might end up stirring a hornet's nest. But look how quickly the MAGA crowd was cowered by January 6th, and still are to this day. They have no fight. They will lay down and die, just as they did in 2020, and there's nothing that can be done, as the Dems own the Media, the Corporations, the Universities, the Big Cities, the Entertainment Complex, Big Tech, and everything else of consequence, where as the MAGA crowd has nothing, absolutely nothing. The DoJ will never, ever lift a finger against any Dem, no matter what they might have done. But if a MAGA person should even look sideways, they will have the full force of the Feds breathing down their neck in no time.

We are at the end of the Republic. The only question is whether you are going to go quietly into the long goodnight. Is it even worth fighting for? Probably not at this point, its' too far gone, and those who are actually pulling the levers behind the curtain are too well protected. Technology has been our undoing, as the past seventy plus years of science fiction has been trying to warn us about. But this is far from the first time that a people have collectively ignored the prophets.

So feel free to get upset at another baseless attack again The Donald, as that's exactly what they want you to do. They are setting us up for a fall, and a very big one. And there's not a single person who is warning you about what's coming, except me. So now you can't say that you weren't warned about the coming storm.

The only question that remains is what are YOU going to do about it???

Do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?

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Great article Styx, keep up the good work! Love your show too!

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Another solid analysis from the head of Clank Nation.

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Sell out Taylor in the Arizona election fraud case was a Trump appointee. They only remain loyal until the feebs find the dirt and let them know.

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I for one would not mind writing Trump in if the GOP decides to sabotage him. When you look at the GOP's history, their entire existence as a party is predicated on unearned loyalty and unerring masquerades in the coat of a "national" America as opposed to one which respects the premise that the States permit D.C. its power, not the other way around. Over and over again, with small breaks in-between like the Harding-Coolidge Presidencies, Goldwater's rise and fall, the Buchanan Brigade, et cetera, leading up to Trump the GOP constantly tries invoking the spirit of Hamiltonian politics, and yet their profuse excess in the way they install power in the bureaucratic portions of Government run so inefficiently and in such opposition to the U.S.A that even Hamilton would be rolling in his grave.

The first contemporary Neoconservatives being disaffected Trotskyites should have been the GOP's first clue, but alas by that point media and academia were already working overtime to discredit men like Joe McCarthy in the laughable fallacy of calling his eponymous efforts a bad thing. Typical.

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Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents (Trump)


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